Over half a century on...
…The Amos family name continues to encapsulate passion, quality and commitment, and good old Aussie hard work…
Amos Industries is well established in the building and manufacturing industry, supplying drilling, CNC tooling and abrasives, developed and designed to deliver more performance with less effort – faster work progress, better results and longer lifetimes.
Amos Industries has developed a large customer base by adding unprecedented value to their businesses by personalising every aspect of their experience with us – we meet our clients face-to-face to discuss their needs; offer sampling; and follow up to ensure they’re satisfied with our products and service.
Amos Industries is focused on the manufacture and supply of high quality drilling, CNC tooling and abrasives in large quantities to the building, mining and manufacturing industry.

Our clients include major engineering, manufacturing and high rise construction sites across the country. The Director’s broad experience in the industry and its application to the expansion of Amos Industries, will ensure our brand continues to grow.
Our clients enjoy our large range of products, available online, in person or via phone order. All stock can be delivered Australia wide and we’re happy to discuss our delivery options with you.